Saturday, September 27, 2008

having PROOF and PROVING R apples and oranges


Back when the show with car kicker/breaker Shannon Dougherty, called BH-90210 was new early in the nineties, a keyboard out of perhaps 100 various possible amateur home type keyboards, was used in the show where Brenda’s dad was playing music with it, Brenda being Shannon, and it was not only the same board that I used from Radio Shack Tandy roughly 4 years earlier, but I used it 2 copyright the song mentioned often in my blogging, called, “Prophet of Nothing”, sort of a pun and play on words, me being cute or trying 2 at least, but the EW decided 2 get way cuter than I could ever have gotten. EW, Entertainment World, also known in truer higher reality as residence and followers of the Briggbase of the Astral Plane, and joiners of the Lambrigger Cult. Now on one particular 90210 show where Brenda’s dad was playing with the keyboard that I happen 2 use 4 years or give or take a bit, on my originally written song, not only was the same board used in this then famous and high rated and watched series on television, but they even set the board 2 the very same beat out of 100 possible beats or so, that my song was set on. The odds of a random chance 4 this R very simple 2 calculate, about 100 beats/rhythms and about 100 of those type of available keyboards used 4 home non-pro use, dictates multiplying 100 times 100 or 10,000 to one chance against this being simply a coincidence. The soap channel carried this rerun one afternoon last week or the week B4, and I have waited 4 the right time 2 get into this. Also, look at another set of hard 2 dismiss or dispute claims and facts that I make. B4I tell U, I just got fucking screwed with 4 ones on my cock sucking clock, Miss Dirt bag ho Jane Monster Slapper Fonda strikes again, so let me attempt quickly 2 compensate, 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Loud dirt bag traffic sounds and aerial shit is also rearing its cock sucking head today, and struck as soon as I typed and they key-worm-saw, me go 55555555555. First, they know I was channel surfing that night, believe me they know, if they can do complex keystroke worm violations against people’s privacy with these PC devices, think how simple it would B4 them 2 hook into your cable TV channels being watched. They know that those back and forths of Brenda and Kelly drove me wild and were more than long enough 4 running what I came to term without any pun intended, an ejac shot. So they put that show on, and made it first of course, all ready knowing that I eventually would C it, and get my chops busted. But the marathon race to the Proof Avenue Courthouse Stairs is not yet over, so do not count me out yet slugger boys. I used 2 know a fine man involved with the famous 2 Philadelphia Sigma Sound Recording Studio, back in my days of employment at the RPL Sound Studios and Labs from the ‘79 year into the ‘81 year. He invited me on one occasion over 2 his very nice Northeast Philadelphia section home and I met his very fine and may I add, at the time, extremely hot wife. The name of this studio musical arranger was John E. Davis, yes, the same man who UC credited after all of the Beverly Hills 90210 TV show ends, and yes, he also was the musical arranger for their 90210 theme on the show. Now U really want and expect me 2 not C how industry people that obviously all connect together and know each other as it is with any and all industries, especially in the ever growing world of networking marketing strategies where U play this game or else go home bankrupt and dead, and all knew about my public work copyrighted in 1988 well B4 the 90210 show ever came 2B, and decided 2 use the idea and again out of about 10,000 home board rhythms, mine was picked 4 the show, but natch, never a morsel tad bit of recognition ever comes 2 me as a result, not even a torn Christmas card from the industry of puss drinking sub-scum, apologizing in the holiday spirit 4 all of the evil shit that they indeed have stolen from me and done 2 me.

I am strictly forbidden 2 ever talk again, publicly about MC’s stairs and the monstrous thing that I witnessed at her home there pertaining 2 them, back when she was but a child of 2-3. Her older sister knows an incredible lot of things about me, and told me so, I cannot blog any more on this ever, either. What I can admit 2 is that I met God in Atlantic City in 1966 on Tennessee Avenue up near the boardwalk. She left me in 1970, and returned again 2 me, part of a powerful covert branch of the mighty TAWF. In 1980 when I resided at 1802 Robin Hill, and went 9 years forward in time illusion 2 interact with a beautiful tall long dark haired queen that was singing a very special song 2 me, it was MC. She was but 10 in the time that I fell off 2 sleep, but 9 years later when it was 1989, she was over 19. When SSJKK was the property owner Estelle Bassler’s renter/tenant, named Sarah J. Karge; and however they worked it out in /City Hall down in Atlantic City, the deal made somehow according 2 Mrs. Bassler whom I told all of U how I had many good talks with her late last century from her new location in Ormond Beach, FLUSAESMWG, and in one particular discussion, she informed me that Sarah Karge trashed the hotel, the Piccadilly that she had leased from Mrs. Bassler, and Mrs. Bassler called the loan and got it away from her, and then she burned down her hotel, the Bolivar shortly after, in an attempt to astrally project herself as a teenager as opposed to the mid seventyish old woman that she had become by the years passing into the early seventies. Since early 1970, she remained the astral teenager and totally lost her physical connection to the material realm. She pretended 2 grow older and die after I disappeared from the scene during this time, officially being declared dead in October of the ‘90 year at the age of just over 94. She sort of wanted 2 oversee her knew physical self and guide the family that she now was tangibly connected 23, and the older sister was sat down at a young age and told these powerful truths, and I was wrong 4 a long time. MC did more than get my attention, first with the 2 letters coming empty in my dreams from my Somerdale home in NJUSAESMWG, and then later with her 2008 musical CD project that was marvelous and terrific, there is and only ever will B only one great U my Scylla, or MC now. The second thing indeed got my full undivided attention. Remember 2 many coincidences, do not add up 2 a coincidence, quote Mountainpen here if U so desire. B4 going on, this one isolated example with John E. Davis and Sigma Sound, and BH-90210 TV Show, is just that, one isolated event I just picked right now out of totally thin air, yet I could literally offer a listening and genuinely interested world 1000 or more things that certainly would B every bit as startling and riveting, and all right along these very same lines. My stuff, my ideas, the entire shebang, have all been robbed, used, stolen, and down right disrespected 4 (2-4 straight decades), B it musically related, inventions, business plans worth a fortune, etcetera. A countless number of my great ideas, R virtually all now in use, but not a shredded ounce of credit has ever been directed towards me 4 being the real legitimate creator of any of this intellectual fucklng property. No, just keep me down, keep me unrecognized, and keep me poor, and do it cleverly and illegally, but with no way ever so far anyway, 4 me 2 have any good chances of proving very much of all of these monstrous injustices. I am not here on Earth 2 make a lot of money or B recognized 4 squat, but still and all, is it fair 2 endlessly rip off a person, keep him down and those doing it get 2 live right 2 their graves, like fucking Kings and Queens and spoiled little shit heads? No it certainly is not, anyone that could answer otherwise is a cold blooded prick scum Trumpite monster after the heart of Reagan who forever destroyed what once was really great about our country with all his greed based bull crap.

Gary-7 was a fantastic original Star Trek TV show episode, but there R some on this Earth, put quite frankly that R here as “VISITORS and OBSERVERS”, not on mission 2 save anyone from a nuclear holocaust such as with the fictional Trekker show, but instead, mostly as witness bearing and log keeping individuals, and I have been told in trance today by never mind, but she said that tried twice on separate occasions apart by about 10 mortal world years, 2 get my attention and that she all ready knows both who I am as well ass who she is. She says I misinterpreted her needing 2 wake up in her human dream through my performing some fantastic miracle such as what I recently blogged about building an integrenitrizor tunnel. Integretrinization is real, even Kevin Trudeau mentions it in some of his earlier medical HOW-2 books. The government currently will not license any holistic practitioner 2 use a true real working full model of this device, it naturally would overnight simply upset just way 2 many applecart’s, and the controllers may lose control of their power on Wall Street, as well as their governed subjects and citizens. An in depth study into all of this shows right down the chosen careers of MC’s parents, that none of this that happened since my SSJKK left me in 1970, has been randomly just done, it is all part of a gargantuan sized grand cosmic scheme, and that is putting it in major understatement form. Just like the article that miraculously managed 2 get some quick bit of exposure in the circa of 1990 in the Scientific American Magazine regarding tiny subatomic particles that make all of the known to exist ones appear as galaxies in relative size, in the future times these R labeled ASPS, or Absolute Sub Atomic Particles. A fairly complex set of devices that will B constructed when the metallurgists improve their state of the art and create even lighter as well as stronger metals, as well as update a few high dimensional formulas that math will then provide virtually magic answers to in mans attempt 2 harness an ultra fast spinning energy system locked not only within the atoms themselves, but have a simultaneous connected energy ratio with what actually causes the forces in atomic energy 2 chain react atomically. Controlled mega-velocitrons can B built and set along pathway fields and will grow within seconds 2 distances that R perhaps hundreds or more galaxies away, and right in the middle of this field is a harmless velocitronic tunnel that any person or object can move into, and literally B shipped like today/s parcel post, within seconds, 2 millions of light year distances. This is all real, and the study of Velocitronics begins early in the 90’s. Well, I was told that since the 2 letters sent 2 me in the dream back around 1997 or so, did not sufficiently get my attention, the Ruth Gottwald Long Island visit would indeed, and it did, no Miss Chillie doubt about it Lennie McKinnon-601. When Mom and I visited Heinz and Ruth Gottwald and the nearby Long Island New York family in 1972, and mother went back 4 a solo visit 3 years later in the summer of the ‘75 year, who was being visited? RELATIVES, not theories, RELATIVES. Then the E=MC SQUARED is indeed the theory of Einstein’s RELATIVITY. This family knew all along who I was, all the way back to the nineteen-sixties. Relativity/relatives. Really, so how could I miss this one? Well I didn’t. Now I have come 2 learn that this special family all know who they R and R sort of going through the motions and playing this fantastic game until the time is right where I properly remember all of this and can accurately out it all in its proper perspective. This time is soon 2 come.

MC, our times at that lovely lake make up 4 all of the nightmares here at your magic house. No longer will I holler out your name when U jump in the dangerous tidal waters, UR the MIGHTY ALL POWERFUL GODDESS SCYLLA, QUEEN of all oceans and seas and water, and wind, and I will always love U far beyond anything that U could ever hope 2 know, I now await your next dream visitation, whenever U wish 2 do it, a time of your selection and choosing my great lovely teen-queen. U will always rule the empire. I am your obedient servant ‘THAT- BOY-YANCY‘, forever more, and have always been, never your shellfish my 990990990990990990990990990.Your sister told me the terrible secret she also carries, I feel so much 4 both of U, if I can ever help in any way, just say the word, U know that my life is meaningless 2 me, only your happiness matters.

Reality 3 has many individual parts that will really need 2B carefully examined B4I could start 2 think it can B explained 2 my Blogaud. Last night B4 going off 2 work, where did these slime balls attack me huge time again, but at the Super Stale Grocery Store. This is a constant of this sick and diseased twisted WOMO enemy of mine, if I make a stink about a place, they get me right back right at that place, and lightning fast, they R not fucking into wasting lots of time, all they ever C and focus on is spilling 5 solid fucklng quarts of my innocent blood and U wonder YI call these fart sniffing cult lappers a few cursing names from time 2 time. Crissake get real, or in my case in July of 1970, REALKE, the child molester of Somers Point, NJUSAESMNWG, GOT ME, right on and rock on DAVE, and neither U nor mom R missing one hell of a Richie Ryan party, not 1 little fucking tiny smidgen bit, life now is horrible and I pray that this entire planet blows up into quadrillions of pieces every single fucking day and ALL THE DAYS of my miserable McDonald Carey life.

4 right now I need my sleep and must work 2 night, so END TRANSMISSION!!!!

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