Friday, September 26, 2008

let us explore reality-3

“Let Us Explore Reality-3”
Datfile: 092608.713.55 ----- Beginning:

Continuing 2 say that some covert and totally invisible force is and always has been making my life a total living hell cubed, is old and stale, and does not even come close 2 saying how I feel or what I really am constantly and continually and endlessly put through, basically round the clock and calendar, with perhaps a small break here and there, and I mean very small and short. Today I was “permitted” 2 sleep through the stock market trading session, not that this will help me in my efforts 2 fight ALEE, but a bit of rest was needed 2 say the very least, and rest is not a commodity that I have been able really 2 get 4 more than a solid month now since this magic Marhouse just Copperfield POPPED into my life, and I won’t say out of nowhere, as it first came in a very real location-interaction, a powerful and extremely vivid, as U would call it, “DREAM”.

First, last Wednesday after leaving rip off town Atlantic city, all of HELLISH-DOGTOWN broke loose 4 me and never even made the attempt 2 look back. Now I am facing a brutal work week, a 24 hour period compressed into the 2 worst possible days 4 me 2 not B in the somewhat safe environment of my own dwelling, or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Tonight, the upstairs neighbors R not only throwing a huge party, and it is very noisy, but they moved their stereo 2 a place now right above the room in which I must B forced 2 live and attempt 2 secure any rest from time 2 time that is humanly possible. I am able to take a pink-noise tape and place it in a repeating loop mode cassette player and put in my earplugs and then over this, a good pair of headphones, and not B disturbed by their noisy party. Still a point needs B made either here, or a pernt if it is being made in the Queens, NYUSAESMWG area. First, a PBHE correction needs B quickly posted since New York was mentioned, my NINY family was misprinted, I have no NINY family, a ninny family yes, but not NINY, meant 2 type in my LINY, and this stands 4 Long Island, New York, and my HILE JITLER cuz, Heinz Gottwald the late, Senior Vice President of New York Manhattan office of Chemical National Bank, in the nineteen-seventies. Let us move now onto the REALITY-3.

I told U in quick review here, that there is a parallel event between the Phillies Baseball Club, the Flyers Hockey Club, the Dow Jones Stock Market System, and the life of Michael Mountainpen. I have also endlessly reiterated and surely bored any Blogaud t hat I may have with the directions that each of these PE move in with a mighty force far greater than applying 2 roulette number parameters against the following spin outcome of the remaining roulette number set parameter, these being, the red and black, the odd and even, and the low and high, breaking off at #18/#19. Roulette gives the house an overall LRP average advantage that some pro-gamblers term a ‘VIG’ of roughly 5.26% in house favor or HV. A relatively small advantage when properly applied in the usage of PE applied to roulette in this manner, produces up through 100 mega spins of computer generated randoms between 1-38, with 37 as the zero and 38 as the double zero, of a player-vig or PV, an unheard of roulette-reality, even according 2 the mighty mind of my dad’s Princeton, NJUSAESMWG park pal, that U all know as Albert Einstein, of 7%, sliding back and forth in a one half of one percent tolerance over these 100,000,000 spins, but averaging throughout them a steady advantage of 7% over the 50/50 chance, but then we must subtract HV or the 2 green zeros so that they can pay their light bill and the pretty cocktail waitresses and all of this and still make a nice hefty and totally legal profit. So the true PES or PARALLEL EVENT SYSTEM applied 2 ROULETTE gives a PV or player advantage of 7% minus 5.26% equaling still a mighty 1.74% PLAYER VIG/ADVANTAGE-LRP or in (long-run-play). Just less than a 1 and ¾% advantage 4 a roulette player according 2 the great Einstein and his following including SSJKK in present form, and this is all documented in the REAL-WORLD, take my word 4 puke, is a tremendous and totally unfathomable percentage. Still 7% over the 50/50 random that excludes the house advantage or HV, is a low and relatively weak PE, or Parallel Event. A stronger one would B the political parties of R/D and super bowl football wins east and west or however they match it up, but I know it is way more than 7% over all of the years of the Super bowl, 40+. Then there R really powerful PE such as my life and the 3 events, P/F/DJ. However, these PE have become powerful because they R not operating independently by themselves and merely cosmically ‘doing their thing’ as we sixties kids used 2 say so often. Instead, this PE is being given huge constant boosts by MO, or the MILITUFORCE, ever since this nightmare fucking toilet water drinking shit began 4 me in 1986. None of this is the smallest deception or delusion and all of it if I’m ever given the chance CAN B BACKED UP TOTALLY AND MATHEMATICALLY, and a University of Pennsylvania Professor by the name of Deturch, in the science of Statistical Advanced Mathematics, if still alive, can and I am quite sure will B willing 2 verify these statements that I make, 4 me, should it ever reach a GRAND JURY appearance time where testimony and evidence can B presented. So I have thus and thereby labeled this, helped along, or better said and verbally put, FORCED, and or {INTENTIONALLY CREATED}, Parallel Event or abbreviated 2 what UC on so many blogging-texts, ICPE, and this ICPE fucking nightmare has been ongoing with me since the Earth year of 1986, all around the time I told the late David Charles Roth about the GREAT and now known 2B ALL MIGHTY Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, after we had left a Medford, NJUSAESMWG Diner called the MEDPORT DINER, and got nearly mauled by a police dog and shot to death by this asshole off duty police officer, obviously working directly 4 and ‘CAREYing’ out the orders of Victoria, frank, and Sarah Callio/Martino/McGuire, Robert Future-Mayor Levy, and any others all looking out 4 the interests, as well as the ‘super major KEPT’ secret of SSJKK-PIMC!!!!!! I now know that a lady born in Trenton New Jersey, USAESMWG, on 18 July in the 1896 year of more than a century and a dozen years ago, was in her Bolivar Hotel on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, and remembered me when I came down with my mom 2 stay at the Trinitrail/Trinidad/future Jenny Johnson Super-girl 8 Motel, and went into a Dark shadows Count Petofi type of meditation and trance, and caused a Fascitarian Astral Projection, and willed her astral or ghost or phantom or glorified or spiritual or U name it, lighter starry part of her physical reality self that all things as well as persons have as it is atomic law, screw the religion, it is Lawtronic, U cannot argue with BRO-GREEN and his science or his lovely bright LAWNS, or the POTATO CHIP SYNDROME in the Harbors. There is just way 2 much 2 ever B dismissed and legitimately just explained away now, as the ‘pure and simple mean’, OJ-MC [The Juice Simpson on Medical Center 1970 Show], ranting of a delusional lunatic’s mind. Yeah, OJ, I will use the hands I have and this keyboard, thanks 4 the good advice from 38 years out in particle-negative-space, PNS. Now moving on with the parallel events that as I said can B backed up by a top University top Mathematics Professor, Deturch, who actually told me that “I have invented a potential brand new discipline in the field of statistical mathematics“, and he wanted me 2 pursue it with him, but MO persecuted me so bad that natch, it was impossible 2 ever do, just as they scared Robert Provenzono away from me by stalking him with the same fucking illegal black ops CIA/NSA/BFA agency tactics, that they use on me and obviously others that R simply 2 scared 2 come forward and speak, I am not, U bastards’ll have 2 fucking kill me. Aniwho they followed him with the same loud and ugly huge grey chopper that hung all over me both back last Wednesday, and also the day last week, B it Wednesday/Thursday or whatever CA, causing the largest 2 day gain and one day climb and successful cheat of their crooked fixed stock market system. He was the one that ran the 100 mega spins and found that with the elimination of the casino HV, a 7% advantage in applying a certain PE system 2 thus game, indeed would result. The NAFAC MILITUFORCE was all over both of us and he pussied and chickened out, and was gone out of my life, but check him out on the web, he is there. I fucking plan 2 subpoena U in a grand jury proceeding or from the World Tribunal at The Hague, someday. Now let us bring in the introduction 2 the reality 3 or the causing true force CTF behind making both of the things occur, it is a bit complex, if U ain’t in a mood 4 a bit of it, read later or say CHUCK-U-FARLEY, I do not care. Some parallel events as stated in many a prior blog R obvious while others R more hidden and subtle, such R GAWNUM CONNECTIONS, all hidden in a strange mathematical and powerful truth. Punch a big dude and call him a rock chucker, and stand there with your hands and fingers pointing 2 your chin egging him on further 2 hit U,. and the parallel event of what U did causing U2 indeed get your lights switched off is either 100% or 99 point some real high number. U have been made privy now 2 the fact that an expert that would qualify in a USA legal court proceeding, a top University mathematics professor, told me I have something here, and that it is very real, natch I all ready knew that, but what I know matters 4 a squooks. U know that there R more obvious parallels and more hidden ones, and U know that I am not the inventor of the parallel event concept, just merely the inventor of taking this all ready existing concept 2 a much farther and higher level in the human world in so far as its usage and application. U also know that not all parallel events R created equally, and that as a bodybuilder and strength trainer knows quite well, they can B strengthened with applying forces that make it bigger and stronger, just as physical exercise does 2 the human muscular system of the body. This PE on steroids so 2 speak I name and term ICPE. It is intentionally strengthened and used 4 a purpose and an agenda. C how the Flyers have won this entire preseason, and C how my Phillies R dying when they worked so desperately hard 4 this fucking WS chance? C how their fixed crooked Dow Jones keeps gaining and gaining, up and up and up, and just as I SAID THAT ALL OF THESE WOULD DEFINITELY FUCKING OCURR. Now what has only been touched on here and there throughout all of my postings in the MORIANITY PROJECT needs some harping now, with perhaps a little lute and enzemeter arrangement work around the melody line. Let us say that U walk up 2 a roulette wheel, and U as well as all 3 players there, know about the ONE-LONG-PLAY-GAME-technique and U all R using it. As U come onto the scene, as well as when one or two of the old players finish play and exit the scene, the cosmic outcomes begin slight alterations, all based on this subatomic interconnect reality. The players leaving is an A-EVENT in an A/B parallel event, and so is your arriving and start of play at this wheel. All 4 of U play this method, playing their 4 numbers that they know B4 even arriving R higher outcome odds numbers, yet none of U know each other even exists on this Earth. Now there R2 things I will create in an example that will lead us finally through the doorway leading 2 major reality-3 exploration in coming months and blogs. Example A is that 4 reasons that I know and only I know, I have been tailing these 4 men all independently and work 4 the Allens Detective Agency of New York. I have been told that these men R cheating in a the Atlantic City Casinos. I watch and observe, pretending 2 play here and there. Then as I am not a stupid person, it hits me like a bolt of lightning that they have this type of system of play, playing one continuous long game until they forever stop playing and retire 2 the Bahamas. I go ho that night once IC what is happening and realize that no laws R being violated or broken. I shower and shave and get into some loose and cozy clothes and sit down 4 a little Law and Order show watching. I turn off the tube 2 go 2 bed, and boom, I decide 2 go into the office tomorrow and quit. I do. Now I will always know where these men will B, of course I have all of their personal information since I am veteran and experienced freaking detective 4 crissake. I quit, and 2 weeks later, with various disguises begin stalking these men individually, from casino 2 casino and play the same numbers that they do. What I do not realize is that I have my own numbers and these men and what they R playing have nothing 2 do with me. Not only do I not get as many winning hits, but the other player begins as well 2 not B winning as much. If I was just playing anything, it would have no effect on him, but copying his numbers as though they R my numbers, is causing a real whack out in cosmic reality. It takes me a year 2 realize that I left a good paying 87,000 job in Manhattan just 2 get surf board flipped. But now, smart as I am not trying 2 brag, but ol’ timothy Turner IV, me in this hypothetical illustration; now realizes how this really works. So now I follow these guys around and find out all the things they hate. As I follow and come 2 learn about ol’ Pete Wilson, it seems he hates bright yellow vehicles. He also always goes 2 the Vegas or AC, NJ casinos on Wednesdays and Saturdays, so 24 hours B4 he goes, I get 2 helpers and we get 3 used cheap clunkers and paint them bright yellow. We drive around the area and block of his home as well as where he goes on all of his errands, following him in yellow cars and trucks with loud mufflers that he surely cannot miss hearing and seeing. Then ol’ Detective ‘me’ goes down and waits 4 poor Pete Wilson 2 put his money on the table and begin playing, and now he is using a new system as the old one thanks 2 me, crashed. I all ready know that through my making him miserable with bright noisy yellow vehicles all around his proximity that his luck would B at the shit level, so when he bet black, I bet red, and when he bet odd, I bet even. Poor Pete Wilson lost 500 those many nights while I cleaned up with 4 grand each time. Aren’t I such a lovely nice fellow? None of this introduction really is getting into my beliefs of the exact mechanics that R behind REALITY-3, however, we need open up with all of this just 2 get your head around some way out concepts that I have been making claim all along R and have been happening 2 me right along, and in all facets of my pathetic life. Reality-3 is the TRUE CAUSING FORCE, of both of the seemingly connected other 2 things that seem 2B so magically and mystically drawn endlessly together, such as my life down and stock market up, decade after decade after decade, this is not some kids game where this is a month or a season in sage, I am talking half of a normal fucklng person’s adult life on this miserable stinking rotten spinning globe of diseased vomit. Something far larger in the BRIGGBASE LAMIST CULT WORLD out on the ASTRAL PLANE, is doing some “THIRD” thing, and ‘they’ know that it then causes these other 2 “THINGS” 2 occur in a major frequent preponderance, i.e., not 7% over an otherwise random 50/50 chance 4 its occurrence. I am also daring 2 say this tonight. This is Y Gawky’s Numerology is so perfectly accurate, and I know it is the buzz of certain quietnet or blacknet locations out there in CYB. U and I know, both of us, that this is beyond a powerful tool, and used in the wrong hands, evil weapon, that has a dangerously accurate forecast and prediction rate, if properly understood and perfectly applied. Reality 3 is much larger in Earthly living day-2-day world importance than any 7th and 8th or 9th dimension, and as another Private Eye on TV said so well after they punched him around 4 a while and loosened up some teeth, “hay, if U don’t like what I say, then we can always get back to this”.

This is not TRS. This is still all old stuff, just reorganized and elaborated upon a bit better on this blog. The real stuff will blow U away when we get there, but as any school kid knows, we do not get June’s lesson in September, we first learn the basics, then we can move on into Flipper’s worlds of wonder, dolphin face. I do not offer a TRS tonight, just a threat 2 OTAMM, they take a totally legal normal thing as a threat, so I can use the word in all good conscience. I am going 2 buy back the cash surrender value of my Prudential-rock life insurance policy, go back 2 full time work, and play one long game at casinos on the weekends, and put my money in a Dow Jones 30 stock plan that all investment houses offer. Any monkey business at all, such as with Rich singer and Donaldson-Lufkin-and Jenrette back in 1995, and I am waltzing straight into Manhattan straight 2 the Securities Exchange Commission, the SEC. UR all fucking with the wrong person, as I all ready know that the Dow Jones Averages will B more than 18,000 at years end, at 26,000 by November of oh-nine, and 50,000 B4 Harold Camping and his wild twenty-eleven doomsday prophecy, and I’m fucking gonna B right there cashing in and heading off 2 a quiet Pacific Island with a heirum of beauty queens, and the USA and all go straight 2 fucking HELL, 4 what it has done 2 me since my Uncle Herbert committed double murder-suicide up in Braintree, MAUSAESMWG back in the fifties.

GOOGLE, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECT SYSTEM-{SWIS}, KING SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2294, U have been given wisdom beyond your current dark age time period and century, use it wisely or the gods may visit U with meteorites the size of Nevada, and they will not come with aliens, just brute force with the word doomsday written all over them. Of course, the best kept secret of all is that we would simply re-dream whatever we wanted as though it never even happened, I know this, as this world has blown up on more than one occasion. Call this today’s TRS. Not just people R retraced in this huge AVM arcade from upline and beyond, entire worlds and even universes and it is easy as piss 2 do when U know how and have the teck!!!!!!

THIS IS ALL COPYRIGHTED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF 1 MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN, and it all is the truth, the entire truth, and nothing but the truth so help me SARAH-STACETY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, the GOD of this world and the heavens and Earth. ------------- THIS ENDS HERE: BWYE-BWYE Elmer.

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